#49 - Making Good Communication Better

#49 - Making Good Communication Better

Come take a deep dive into the art of effective communication. Revenue is clearly impacted by what we say and do as a business. Forget the clichés; it’s time to see how you can take good communication and make it better,

Let’s break down the barriers that have you on autopilot, bringing a fresh perspective to revolutionize how you connect with your team, clients, and even yourself. Tune in to speed up your success. This isn’t just another episode; it’s a game-changer for leaders who are ready to level up.

Here’s a glance at this episode: 

[1:38] The Limbic System and Communication: Discover why your limbic system plays a crucial role in your communication patterns, especially if you’re a woman.

[2:38] Becoming a Better Communicator: Learn how to elevate your communication skills by tuning into your deeper feelings and motivations.

[7:55] Fear and Honesty in Communication: Uncover the pitfalls of fear-based communication and why honesty is key to truly connecting with others.

[10:57] The Importance of Matching Actions and Words: Understand the need for consistency between your actions and words to build trust and effective communication.

[11:51] The Need to Slow Down and Practice Self-Awareness: Realize the benefits of slowing down and being self-aware to break your reactive communication habits.

[13:46] The Power of Communicating from a Place of Confidence and Authenticity: Experience the advantages of speaking from a place of genuine confidence, without the need to backpedal or conform to others’ expectations

You can also listen here:




Looking for ways to DITCH THAT INNER DICTATOR in your head? Click here for a free guide.

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