#51: Earned Wisdom! for Accomplished Female Leaders with Deborah Coviello

#51: Earned Wisdom! for Accomplished Female Leaders with Deborah Coviello

Join Tracy as she sits down with Deb Coviello, a powerhouse advisor, author, and Founder of Illumination Partners. 

In this episode, they dive deep into the challenges and opportunities for women in leadership. Feedback at the C level is key, as is, the importance of self-awareness, and how to tune into the subtle signals that can guide your career.

Here’s a glance at this week’s episode:

[02:11] Finding Passion in Creativity: Deborah discusses her love for creativity as a child and how it was suppressed by the school system, leading her to pursue a technical career.

[08:09] Gaining Clarity through Self-Reflection: Deborah shares her experience of taking a pause after being transitioned out of her previous job, allowing herself time for self-reflection and rediscovering her passions and purpose.

[14:24] The Journey to the C-Suite: Deborah explains her motivation to reach the C-suite and shares her experiences as a senior leader, including successes and struggles.

[20:22] The Study on Successful Women in the Workplace: Discussion on a study about successful women and how they are treated in the workplace, including the tall poppy syndrome and lack of support.

[21:49] Challenging Societal Biases and Taking Control: Debate on the narrative of unsupported successful women and the importance of taking control of one’s mindset and career.

[26:01] Being Authentic and Overcoming Prescriptive Bias: Conversation about the need for women to be themselves, challenge societal expectations, and embrace their true selves in order to enjoy fulfilling relationships and career success.

[29:58] Asking for Feedback: Deborah discusses the importance of asking for feedback and provides specific questions to ask to gain valuable insights.

[30:53] Improving Feedback Skills: Deborah and Tracy emphasize the need for high-performing women to learn how to ask for and give feedback effectively to make a difference.

[31:17] Taking Control of Our Futures: The importance of being proactive and asking specific questions to elicit positive and actionable feedback is highlighted.

You can also listen here:




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